Join the Community

 Around a decade ago my workshops started gaining a reputation unheard of in this industry.

It wasn’t just about the women, but also confidence, comfort with yourself, and the ability to connect deeply with others — things which affect all areas of your life.

Not just numbers or makeouts, but actually enjoying the process and feeling like the sexually confident person you were meant to be.

Around a decade ago I also had a dream that I would someday be able to deliver that same life-changing experience to anyone, anywhere in the world.


See, I’m from Detroit.

I understand as well as anyone that not everyone can afford to fly to NYC or Austin and spend thousands of dollars on a weekend.

I never wanted to say, “Sorry, I can’t help you because you don’t make enough money.”

 That’s why I’m so excited to announce that The Dojo (translated as, “the place of the way,”)
is open to the public.

Men don’t have a lot of places where we can talk openly and anonymously about what we’re going through, and that’s why I had to start The Dojo. 

Our members live all over the US and abroad - including Sydney, Hong Kong, Valencia, across the UK, even in a little town in Germany -- and that list keeps growing.


You’ll get:

  • A one-on-one coaching call with me (Nick Sparks)

  • A forum that’s active 24/7, where we discuss dating, relationships, sex, confidence, work, style, fitness, finance, and even our favorite recipes

  • Three weekly conference calls, each lasting 3-6 hours, led by me

  • A worldwide network of men committed to your success

    All for just $5


I’ve now coached enough guys in The Dojo who’ve gone from having barely any experience with women, to having more dates and single adventures than they know what to do with.

I’ve coached enough men who began as the “average frustrated guy,” and who are now mentoring the new guys, taking their social, dating, and professional lives up to the next level, and starting relationships with incredible women (talk about the next level of challenges!)

I’ve seen enough to be able to say that this really works.

 Skeptical because you’ve been burned by a sales page’s false promises in the past?

I don’t blame you.

That’s why I insist that you try this for $5

Not getting the life-changing effects you expected? Cool. Just shoot me a quick message and I’ll happily refund you the $5 and that will be that — no sales calls, pressure to stay onboard, or anything like that.

If you are experiencing the best social and dating results of your life and want to keep growing, you’ll then be automatically charged $49.97 each month after your trial.

A lot of the guys told me I could easily charge $100+ per month for this.

Again though, making it affordable to everyone was my top priority. If you can afford Chipotle once a week, you can afford this.


Some guys said that the smartest thing I could do is only charge $19.99 a month… so most guys would just forget about it.

But I don’t want guys wasting their money on a self-help program they’ll never use.

I want to change lives. I want guys dedicated to seeing massive progress week after week.

I wanted the monthly cost to be affordable, and yet one you’d remember.

 Will some people take advantage of this $5 offer? Guys who will have more dating and social success than they’ve ever had after that first month before asking for a refund?

Of course.

But I feel it’s worth it to share the work I’ve been blessed to have with as many people as possible who once felt the way I did: frustrated with the answers out there and feeling hopeless about ever fully understanding the whole romantic connection/flirtation/sexual thing.

 I’ve just removed your last excuse.

You can try this for a month, risk free, for only $5. If you apply yourself to the work, then, like every single guy who’s come before you, you’ll be enjoying the best social and dating life you’ve ever had within a month. Keep going, and your life begins to resemble your wildest dreams.

Click on picture below, fill out the form, and you’ll receive a link to book your first coaching call with me. Then, you’ll create your anonymous profile and begin receiving the best daily support in the world.

The guys and I can’t wait to introduce you to the success we’re all experiencing. You just need to click the picture below.

 Join the conversation for free on discord.

Simply click the “Connect” button on the discord widget to connect to our limited public channels. (iPhone users may need to close this website for discord to load)


Or become a full member and access all channels and weekly conference calls for $5.


Examples of Coaching: